



Regardless of your major or interest, there is a program opportunity out there for you! With hundreds of potential study abroad/away experiences, the hardest part can be figuring out what is the "right" program for you. We encourage you to start by setting your goals/priorities for your 全球 experience. Think about what you would like to accomplish while you're abroad or away. 你想要:

  • Earn credit to progress towards graduation or take unique classes you may not be able to take at bet8九州登录入口?
  • 获得你所在领域的实际经验?
  • 学习一门外语?
  • 在世界上一个特定的地点或地区学习?
  • 离开一段时间或短或长?
  • Live with a host family in another country or experience living in a different setting?

Whatever your motivation - we are here to help you narrow down your options to find your ideal program.

If you are looking to earn credit while on your program, we recommend you talk with your Academic Advisor or a Success Advisor early on. 在一起, you can review your DARS to plan (1) what term would be best for studying away 和 (2) what graduation requirements you might be able to meet through studying away. 

  • 你需要获得学分吗? While most students participate in Study Abroad programs, there are many opportunities to travel without earning credit (such as 实习或志愿者经历). 
  • Are you hoping to fulfill course requirements for a major/minor, 砖的需求, 或者其他类型的信贷?  许多 俄亥俄州信贷计划 are designed to meet either major/minor-specific coursework OR have courses that can help fulfill BRICKS requirements. If you are looking for unique courses you may not be able to take at 俄亥俄州 - 交换Affiliated-Provider programs allow you to take a wider variety of courses for transfer credit. 
  • 你想满足语言要求吗? Depending on the language you are interested in/level of study, 你也许能找到俄亥俄州的信用项目, 交流项目. Additionally, there are many opportunities available to study language at varying levels through the 俄亥俄国际财团, Affiliated-Provider,以及其他第三方提供商. 
  • Are there specific courses or activities that are important for your future career? Going 全球 can help you in any career aspirations (出国留学的好处), but depending on your field there may be certain destinations that are better suited for your career path. One way to narrow down 位置s is to look for options that are a leader in your field.  例如, choosing a 位置 near the ocean may be more beneficial for a future marine biologist, while an art-history student may instead prioritize 位置s based on their museum/gallery offerings. 
  • Do you want to go with a group or travel more independently? If you'd prefer to travel with other 俄亥俄州 students 和 an 俄亥俄州 faculty member, 选择俄亥俄州的项目. If you're open to studying abroad with students from other universities in the U.S. 没有教职工在场, 一个附属, OIC or Non-bet8九州登录入口 program may be right for you. 
  • 你想什么时候出国? How long do you want to be away -- a week, month or year? There are options for every timeframe you may wish to travel. 俄亥俄州的信贷 programs are typically shorter in length, offered over winter break, spring break, 和 summer. If you are open to studying abroad for a semester or full academic year, check out 交换 or Affiliated-Provider 项目.  Summer options range in length from one week to the full summer, 并且可以通过俄亥俄州信贷获得, 交换, 附属供应商甚至非俄亥俄州供应商. 
  • 你每天都需要什么才能成功? Studying abroad is a great way to get out of your comfort zone 和 explore, but you'll want to make sure you're prioritizing program offerings that can meet your needs day to day. 你需要自己的自由时间/空间吗? 你有严格的饮食要求吗? Are you a gym-enthusiast who needs a space for their cardio? 有些地方可能更适合你 身份 比其他的.
  • Is there a specific region of the world you are interested in?  你可能已经有了一个城市或一个国家的想法, 和 then find out that the programs available there aren't really an ideal fit for your other priorities. 没关系! 通过缩小你感兴趣的区域, we can explore nearby cities/countries 和 find opportunities that may better align with your goals, while still being close to the city/country you want to visit.
  • 你设想你的生活安排是怎样的? Do you want to live with a family in a homestay or would you rather live in a dorm or an apartment? Do you want to live with other Americans or with students from the host culture? Homestays are common on language programs 和 on some affiliate programs. Short-term 俄亥俄州 programs (like spring break or winter break) generally stay in hotels. 学生 on semester-long 俄亥俄州 exchange programs normally live in either dorms or apartments with students from the host culture.
  • 你对这次经历的预算是多少? Global experiences come in a wide-range of program costs, 哪个因长度不同而不同, 位置, 一年中的时间, 等. While cost is the number one factor students ask about, there are more affordable program opportunities out there by going to non-traditional 位置s OR by choosing longer programs. In fact, there's even options available to you that are cheaper than a st和ard semester at 俄亥俄州!
  • Are you dependent upon financial aid to fund your experience? If so, you may want to consider studying abroad during the academic year. Financial aid works differently during the summer 和 is generally less plentiful.
  • Do you currently receive bet8九州登录入口 scholarships? 如果是, remember that your 俄亥俄州 scholarship can only be applied to Ohio-Credit, 交换, 和附属供应商计划. You may not use 俄亥俄州 scholarships on other third-party programs.